AjaxAnywhere Changes :

AjaxAnywhere 1.2 is released. Changes:


1.2.1   - Java 6 compatibility (workaround of an incompatible evolution of swing HTML parser).
1.2.1   - Special mode for In-browser testing sessions see: http://www.jroller.com/page/verySimpleSolutions/20070124

1.2     - Release.

1.2-RC3 - bugfix : onRequestSent callback was never called
1.2-RC3 - bugfix : debug info pop-up when using client state saving with jsf_sequence
1.2-RC3 - bugfix : added "charset=UTF-8" to the Content-Type header in case of POST.
1.2-RC3 - <div style="display:inline;"> instead of <span> for zones content
1.2-RC3 - maven 2 POM

1.2-RC2 - bugfix : MyFacesClientStateSavingPreSendHandler with multiple forms on a page .
1.2-RC2 - bugfix : duplicate nodeValue call.
1.2-RC2 - bugfix : sometimes FireFox creates multiple #text nodes for CDATA inside <zone></zone>

1.2-RC1 - bugfix : do not forget "submitButton" when returned null from getZonesToReload()
1.2-RC1 - bugfix : second parameter of substituteSubmitButtonsBehavior can be an array of button names
1.2-RC1 - bugfix : graceful degradation
1.2-RC1 - bugfix : IE 5.5 support
1.2-RC1 - bugfix : <form action="#"> support
1.2-RC1 - no custom HTTP headers are sent to identify Ajax request :better firewall compatibility.
1.2-RC1 - jsf_sequence support for MyFaces 1.1.2
1.2-RC1 - JSFRIClientStateSavingPreSendHandler
1.2-RC1 - default response encoding is set to UTF-8 - bugfix : cut CDATA marker at the beginning of <script> inside a zone - bugfix : workaround for "<>" and "</>" bug in Swing HTML parser. - evolution : client state saving support for JSF - evolution : zone tag is not a BodyTag any more. Instead of storing zone content in request scope, it simply
    marks it with delimiters as JSF zone tag does. - evolution : setting 'Accept' header to 'text/xml' to reslove JSF-RI 'Uncategorized Content Type' issue with IE - multiple bugfixs - bugfix : support for multiple AjaxAnywhere instances when using substituteSubmitBehavior - bugfix : improved javascript null and undefined checks - evolution : substituteSubmitButtonsBehavior() method supports <input type=image> - evolution : zonesToRefresh parameter added to getAJAX() method. - evolution : JSF - do not render zones that are not included. - evolution : <aa:zone> - new skipIfNotIncluded attribute. when set to true, tag body is not evaluated
            if the zone is not included. Default value is false to respect backward compatibility. - evolution : workaround for IE bug related to images caching. - bugfix : remove deploy time dependency on jsf - bugfix : using UTF-8 instead of UTF8 - bugfix : improved workaround of xalan transformer bug resulting \r\r\n instead of \r\n on Windows platforms - evolution : New <aa:zoneJSF> tag should be used to replace <aa:zone> for JSF applications. - depricated <aa:watchJSFState> as its usage depends too much on the JSF implementation version. - bugfix : calling request.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8") from AAFilter for better internationalization support - refactoring - evolution : Imporoved default HTTP error status handler. - evolution : Support for JSF client-side state storage (<aa:watchJSFState> tag) - evolution : default graceful degradation - bugfix : fixed bug that generated java.util.zip.ZipException with MyFaces, STATE_SAVING_METHOD=client - evolution : form "action" attribute is accessed by DOM to prevent collision with <input name="action" .. > - bugfix : better browser support with Msxml2.XMLHTTP as an option. - bugfix : textarea was ignored in prepareSubmitData() - bugfix : workaround of a xalan transformer bug resulting \r\r\n instead of \r\n on Windows platforms

1.1   - License change : License changed from LGPL to Apache 2
1.1   - evolution : substituteSubmitButtonsBehavior calls form.onsubmit()
1.1   - evolution : Support for non-ASCII form field names.
1.1   - evolution : Default loading message XHTML compatible.
1.1   - evolution : AjaxAnywhere.substituteSubmitButtonsBehavior function added
          to support JSF commandButton. Other frameworks can also take advantage of
          easier event interception from &lt;input type=submit|image"&gt;
1.1   - evolution : form "action" attribute is accessed by
          form.attributes.getNamedItem('action') to avoid problems with
          &lt;input name="action" .. &gt;
1.1   - evolution : Default loading message right alignment according to
          vertical scroll support

1.1   - bugfix : JavaScript method name typo correction.

1.0.2 - evolution : Support for Form Based Authentication. AjaxAnywhere
          request is identified by HTTP Header instead of URL parameter.
1.0.2 - bugfix. AAUtils method name typo corrected.

1.0.1 - documantation : JavaScript API Documentation update

1.0.1 - evolution : JavaScript getAJAX - avoid caching
1.0.1 - evolution : JavaScript getAJAX() callbacks
1.0.1 - evolution : Spring integration (intercept response.setContentType)
1.0.1 - evolution : JavaScript exception handling improvement
1.0.1 - evolution : AAUtils API change - use more intuitive method names
1.0.1 - bugfix : JavaScript getAJAX()